Camel toes. Boy! are they embarrassing.
With all the selfies and ootd pics we take these days, falling victim to The Camel Toe is almost social suicide.
For those of you who aren't familiar with the guest star of this post, here it is;


sharon stone/ miley
I know, YIKES! I'm no celebrity but I do still care if someone knows what my lady bits look like!
To understand The Camel Toe, let have to go back to the very roots. The whys and hows.
Why is it called the Camel Toe?
When your bits resemble an actual camel toe. That's when it's called a camel toe.
I don't think I need to further elaborate this.
What causes the Camel Toe?
Camel toes are mainly the cause of too-tight / ill fitting bottoms. Like leotards, rompers/jumpsuits , hot pants, booty shorts....

1. Better fitting bottoms.
Sometimes we squeeze into pants that are a size smaller and are happy that we managed to get into them. Fitting into smaller pants means laying off the ice cream did help, didn't it? Also because skinnies are in, it hugs our legs better right?
Wrong! As long as we have to "squeeze" into any type of pants, we really shouldn't be buying them.
You really don't need pants that might need unbuttoning when you sit and besides also creating severe muffin top, the camel toe is so not worth it ladies!
2. Long tops
Wearing long tops that stretch down to your bum is the simplest solution.
Especially if you were dying to wear your new galaxy printed leggings eventhough it gives you camel toe. It may still be there, but hey, at least no one sees!
3. Panty Liners
I need to exercise. I need to wear gym bottoms. I can't find a long top that's dry fit!
Another easy solution is to wear a panty liner. If you're especially conscious of your down there's debut in yoga class, panty liners are really worth the try.
4. Anti Camel Toe DIY
A video I came across showing you how to make your own anti camel toe device. I do admit, I find it a little ridiculous and it looks uncomfortable even. Personally, I'd stick with wearing panty liners. However, it might just be worth a try.
That's all I have for today on The Camel Toe, hopefully it will come in handy to you girls :)
Let's big farewell to the unsightly camel toes, hopefully forever!